Regulatory Information and Compliance Statement
Regulatory Information and Compliance Statement
Pictons Solicitors LLP is a Limited Liability Partnership authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority. A list of Members and Partners can be inspected by clicking on the links on the left hand side. References to Partner shall mean a current Member of Pictons Solicitors LLP or a director of a corporate Member of Pictons Solicitors LLP who was formerly a personal Member of that LLP. The SRA Standards and Regulations can be found by visiting the SRA website:
SRA ID numbers – Luton – 401983, MK – 401987, Tring – 564475
The Legal Ombudsman’s contact details are as follows:
PO BOX 6806, Wolverhampton, WV1 9WJ
Telephone, 0300 555 0333
View Our Complaints Procedure.
The Client Care Partner to whom you may address any complaints is Siobhan Rooney email:
Registered office: 11 High Street, Tring, Hertfordshire, HP23 5AL. Registered in England and Wales No. OC307202
VAT Number: 208 1314 05
Insurance Details: We have a legal duty to tell you about our professional indemnity insurance. We have an obligation to carry such insurance and our qualifying insurers are: Endurance Worldwide Insurance Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of Sompo Holdings Inc, registered in England and Wales, whose address is 2 Minster Court, 1st Floor, Mincing Lane, London, EC3R 7BB. Our Insurance Number is: B0621PPICT000122. This insurance covers our practice carried on from our offices in England and Wales and will extend to acts or omissions wherever in the world they occur. We draw your attention to the limitation of our liability which is £3,000,000 unless agreed otherwise.
We have additional arrangements providing total cover up to £13m in place should this be appropriate. We can provide details upon request
The risk posed by criminals intercepting emails and changing correct bank details is increasing (known as cyber fraud).
To minimise this risk, we will never change our bank details during your transaction, or send our bank details to you by email.
If you receive a request for your bank details or are asked to make a payment you are unsure about, please telephone the number on our letterhead and speak to the fee earner dealing with the transaction. We will not accept responsibility if you transfer money to an incorrect account.
Criminal Finances Act 2017
As a firm, we value our reputation for ethical behaviour and for financial probity and reliability. We recognise that over and above the commission of any crime, any involvement in the facilitation of tax evasion will also reflect adversely on our image and reputation.
We do not tolerate tax evasion, or the facilitation thereof in any circumstances, whether committed by or facilitated by a client, personnel or associated persons/companies.
We are committed to fighting tax evasion and have rigorous policies and procedures in place to detect and prevent the facilitation of tax evasion offences.
We provide regular training on the requirements of the Criminal Finances Act 2017 to all personnel.
We require all personnel to demonstrate the highest standards of honesty at all times and appropriate disciplinary action will be taken wherever tax evasion or the facilitation thereof by any personnel has been proven.
We undertake due diligence on all associated persons/companies to mitigate the risk of facilitation of tax evasion offences and, as part of our due diligence procedures, all agreements with third parties contain suitable provisions to enable termination of such agreements where associated persons/companies are not complying with the provisions of the Criminal Finances Act 2017.
Sukh Saini
Managing Partner
June 2023