Dispute Resolution

Legal Disputes over Probate

Legal Disputes over Probate

  Probate can be a demanding process, even if there is no dispute over the distribution and administration of an estate. However, in recent years we have seen a steady increase in the number of contentious probate cases. The origins of a contested probate case are varied but could include a challenge to the validity…

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director disputes

Director Disputes

  Businesses need to provide a united front to their customers, employees and other stakeholders. Working together for the benefit of all involved is perhaps taken for granted by many. Sadly, disputes are relatively common between Directors and can detract from the prime purpose of the organisation. The basis for disagreements is quite wide, whether…

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commercial contracts

Drafting Contracts and the use of Layered Dispute Resolution Clauses

  A well drafted and structured commercial contract is the cornerstone of pragmatic business. Without a contract or set of terms and conditions that are ‘fit for purpose’ and of ‘satisfactory quality’ the scope and propensity for issues and disputes to arise is immense; it’s perhaps even more alarming than that as it is probable…

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legal disputes

Don’t ignore legal disputes – it could become expensive

  We are periodically contacted by businesses and individuals who have been served with a claim after ignoring correspondence from the Claimant or who have chosen to ‘go it alone’ and start Court proceedings without fully understanding the process. Invariably this causes problems. Delays in seeking legal advice after being served with a claim or…

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Landlord and Business Owners Seminar

Despite uncertain times it is expected that the buy to let market will grow.  Join us on the 27th November where we and a panel of industry experts will share expertise and insights into the buy to let market, including topics such as finance structuring, funding solutions and landlord obligations. This seminar is aimed at…

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Less debt, more cash

Cash is king in any business, we all know that. But how do you ensure that you are paid (and on time) for work you have carried out or for goods you have supplied.  This article will equip you with some of the tools needed to help minimise, or even eradicate, bad debt in your…

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Nesta’s top tips for start-up companies

More often than not those staring up a company often begin on a scrap piece of paper which can lead to an unsophisticated early existence with little time to worry about the more essential legal requirements. Consequently, later on when you begin to raise money or enter into large commercial agreements, these overlooked points can…

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A Brief Guide to Regaining Possession of your Property

Providing  the agreement is not for a fixed  term of more than 3 years, a Tenancy Agreement does not need to be in writing. The terms can be agreed between the parties orally with certain terms implied into the agreement, for example the Landlord’s obligation to repair the property. Subject to some exceptions and criteria…

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Need a more flexible solicitor? A solicitor that can accommodate you outside of 9-5, Monday – Friday? Our Luton office will be open on Saturday mornings from 10am-12pm for personal attendances or prearranged appointments so if you need to pop something in to us please feel free to come over. Our office is situated on…

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What could 2019 have in store for Residential Landlord and Tenants?

  A Ban on Tenants’ Fees The Tenants Fee Bill is currently going through Parliament and is likely to become law in the spring subject to any major political upheavals. If the bill becomes law then it will remove letting agents’ charges to tenants. They will only be required to pay their rent and deposit…

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