Marriage and Planning your Future Together

A marriage is a joyful occasion that comes with a legal bond between two people who commit themselves to each other. But as many people will know, it typically involves a great deal of planning to ensure the day itself runs smoothly. As part of that planning there are quite a few aspects that require legal input.
Wills and Weddings
People planning a future together need to reflect their wishes in their wills. No one wants to spend too much time on a worst case scenario but couples should not assume their estate will pass to their partner in the way they want, unless this is clearly specified in a will. The same applies to care should one of the couple fall seriously ill. Building in a new will as part of the marriage process is very wise.
Weddings and Property
Often around the time of wedding there is a property transaction taking place. For some this might be their first ever purchase whilst for others, perhaps those remarrying, there maybe a property to sell and a new joint purchase, to consider, perhaps with different equity contributions. There are different ways of owning property and this should be given due consideration, especially where there are children from a previous relationship.
Weddings and Event Contracts
The actual day itself can involve a lot of planning, and some substantial expenditure. Some aspects may require a deposit to be exchanged and a contract to be signed. Some of the commitments made involve many thousands of pounds and couples should always be aware of what they are signing and think about the implications of a failure to supply. Some contracts might be worded in an unusual way and, as such, couples would be well advised to check this wording with a specialist lawyer before committing to the expenditure.
Sadly, some relationships don’t last forever and some couples may want to consider what would happen should this occur. Prenuptial agreements can be seen as a positive move by a couple who want to respect the interests of their partner. These are becoming increasingly popular but it is worth noting that this process should be started long before the wedding day and that both individuals need their own legal representation.
A wedding is a significant undertaking and it can be enhanced by some supportive and insightful legal advice. If you would like to talk though any of the above issues please contact one of our specialists.