Social Media in the Workplace – Business or Pleasure

“Game changer”…”phenomenon”…whatever your view, social media has changed the way we communicate on a professional and corporate level. Whilst the commercial opportunities are immense, the misuse of social media in the workplace can be costly. The reputational and financial harm of a late night posting on the social media network by a disgruntled employee can be significant.
Helen Taylor, Head of Employment at leading and award winning regional law firm Pictons was recently a keynote speaker on the subject of Social Media in the Workplace – Business or Pleasure, for Reed Employment.
Helen’s main message was that, “Although many employers have been quick to embrace the power of social media because of its benefits, they are still under-prepared for the potential risks it creates when put in the hands of their employees. If the priority is to mitigate possible risks, employers need to create an acceptable user culture; key steps would be to assess the risks, introduce social media and communication policies to control unwanted activities both inside and outside work and importantly, take disciplinary action for misuse. While the risks may be different for each employer, the solutions are often the same.”
For further information on how you can protect your business when it comes to Social Media please contact Helen or one of her team on 0800 302 9448 or email