High Uptake of Pictons Property App
Pictons recently launched its innovative conveyancing app for residential property clients.
The uptake of the app has been fantastic with approximately 85 % of residential property clients now using the app.
The app offers considerable benefits for clients including live updates and notifications saving time normally spent on emails and phone calls. It also has a chat function. The app is available for download to smart phone or tablet.
Commenting on the uptake of the app Pictons Head of Property Harshinder Hundal said:
“I’ve been delighted by the uptake of the app by our clients. It is an innovative solution for our clients who often pursue an active lifestyle and want to be in touch with their transaction through a mobile device, rather than relying on traditional forms of communication. It is a further step in our move to adopt new technology for the benefit of our clients.”
The app can be downloaded via the App Store or for Android via the links below:
To discuss your property needs contact Pictons on:
T: 0800 302 9448