Special Offer for NHS Workers

NHS Wills Offer


We all value the hard work and determination of NHS staff at this difficult time. As such Pictons is keen to do what it can to help.

We are therefore offering discounts to NHS workers across our range of services.

If you are an NHS worker looking for legal support with any service we provide, please contact us and one of our solicitors will be happy to help you. We are now working remotely but as a result of a recent major IT update are still able to respond quickly to client requests.

We are a well established firm with offices across Beds, Herts and Bucks. We are very active in terms of corporate social responsibility supporting a wide range of causes, giving back to the communities we serve.

For more information on how we can help NHS workers please call us on:

01582 878549 or e-mail to willstrustandprobate@pictons.co.uk for wills and probate matters or

0800 302 9448 or email info@pictons.co.uk for other services.